Self Service
{{ 'Learning Online' | except-last-word }} {{ 'Learning Online' | last-word }}
{{ 'Student enrolment and records' | except-last-word }} {{ 'Student enrolment and records' | last-word }}
Reset Password
{{ 'Reset your Lincoln password' | except-last-word }} {{ 'Reset your Lincoln password' | last-word }}
Office 365
{{ 'Webmail and online Office apps' | except-last-word }} {{ 'Webmail and online Office apps' | last-word }}
Log a job
{{ 'Log an issue with I.T' | except-last-word }} {{ 'Log an issue with I.T' | last-word }}
{{ 'Find out when and where your class is' | except-last-word }} {{ 'Find out when and where your class is' | last-word }}
Learning Teaching and Library
{{ 'Learning, Teaching and Library website' | except-last-word }} {{ 'Learning, Teaching and Library website' | last-word }}
{{ 'Lincoln University Students Association' | except-last-word }} {{ 'Lincoln University Students Association' | last-word }}
{{ 'Visit the ITHelp website' | except-last-word }} {{ 'Visit the ITHelp website' | last-word }}
About this Page
This page provides access to Lincoln resources and all users must comply with applicable policy here: Lincoln University Information Technology Policies. By using these resources, users are deemed to have read and understood their obligations under that policy.
The key points of the Policy are:
* Not to use technology resources or Lincoln facilities to access, store, distribute, display, print or produce material that is, or likely to be, obscene, objectionable or offensive
* Not to use technology resources or Lincoln facilities to harass any other person
* Not to use technology resources or Lincoln facilities to create or propagate a virus, worm or any other form of malicious software
* Not to violate Copyright - e.g. downloading commercial software and MP3 files
* Lincoln University makes no guarantees of security, confidentiality or reliability of internet services
* There are circumstances where the content and quantity of traffic can be monitored.
Please note:
Abuse of this kiosk or any facilities provided or non-compliance with the internet access policy can put your Lincoln University network access at risk. Please be aware that we record details of who logs in and what sites are visited.
Need help?
If there is a problem with this device or any of these services please contact Lincoln IT Help or phone +64 (03) 423 0100 during normal business hours.