Printing Services
There are printers all over campus and you can release your print job on any of them. We have two different printing systems available on campus for staff and students.
FollowMe printing
FollowMe printing is where you send your files to the print system and then swipe your ID at any of the linked printers to collect your documents.
FollowMe print queues allow staff and students to print securely to any printer on campus that is linked to FollowMe printing - these are the printers that allow you to swipe your Lincoln ID card. Most of the printers on campus are hooked up to FollowMe printing including the ones in ITS managed computer suites and in the Library, as well as most departmental printers.
How to use FollowMe printing
FollowMe print is the easiest way to print on campus, though you will need to have your ID card with you to use it. This provides a way to securely print documents as they will not print until you have swiped your card.
- Select the FollowMe print queue from the print options within the item you want to print
- Swipe your card at the printer you want to use.
- If you are a staff member, any jobs that you have sent to the FollowMe queues will print.
- If you're a student, you will have the opportunity to select the documents you want to print at the printers.
- You can view what jobs you have waiting by double-clicking the green UniFlow icon in the system tray (you can open this by clicking on the little up arrow in the bottom black bar on your screen). This will open a web page, where you can click the "RQM Jobs" which will let you view or delete your own print jobs.
There are two FollowMe queues, a colour one (FollowMeCOL) and a black and white one (FollowMeBW). All printers print colour and black and white, depending on which print queue you choose.
- FollowMeBW: If you print to this queue, you can swipe your card at any printer on campus and the document will print in black and white.
- FollowMeCOL: If you print to this queue, you can swipe your card at any printer on campus and the document will print in colour.
PrintMe printing
All Lincoln staff and students can access PrintMe print services via email.
- Simply send an email from your Lincoln email account with the Word or PDF file/s that you want to print attached, to When your printing is ready to go, you will get an email inviting you to release it.
- If you're after colour, or A3 or Colour A3 then just use the hash symbol (#) in the subject line of the message when you send it. If there's no # in the subject line, your printing will default to black & white, double-sided, A4
- Printing codes
Subject field code |
Result |
BLANK (no #) |
Black and white, duplex, A4 |
#L# |
Duplex, Landscape, A4 |
#c# |
Colour, A4 |
#si# |
Simplex (single-sided) |
#s# |
Stapling (left upper) |
#a3# |
A3 |
#[2]# |
Number of copies (you can choose the number of copies by changing the number in the square box) |
Please note: You can put multiple commands on the email subject line and then put an extra # to close the command.
- Example 1: #L#
- Example 2: #d#c#
- Example 3: #L#c#s#[4]#a3#
If you have any text in the message field, you'll probably get two emails, one saying there's junk that we're NOT printing and one saying your printing is ready to go (that's your attachments).
Printing files from OneDrive using PrintMe
- If you are printing files stored on OneDrive, make sure you choose to attach the file as copy to the email, if the file icon has a cloud on it, then it is a link to the file, not the file itself and won’t print. You will not get a rejection email if you try to print a link to a file.
- A file with this icon won’t print as it is a link to a file on OneDrive (is a link, not the actual file):
Files with these icons will print as they are the actual files.
After the email has been processed you will be notified of the cost of the print job and your current balance via email. If you have insufficient funds in your account, you will be notified, and the print job will be deleted. You will also get an email notification if any of your files cannot be printed and/or converted.
- You can then walk up to a FollowMe printer and present your card to the reader attached to the side of the device. Signing in with your card will unlock the device and release your printing if you have enough money in your account.
Note: PrintMe may not work with graphics and images this is suitable for Word and PDF documents only.
FollowMe Mac Set-up for Lincoln Staff
- Download the two printer drivers from the Software Download page.
- FollowmeBW-Mac (black and white printing queue) driver file name: CNR227X1.PPD.gz
- FollowmeCOL-Mac (colour printing queue) driver file name: CNRC317X1.PPD
- Store these drivers under the shared user profile
- In finder select:
- Go > Computer > Macintosh HD > Users > Shared
- Connect to Ivanti (Pulse) VPN or the wired network on campus:
- System Preferences > Printers and Scanners > IP (globe icon at the top)
- Address: v-prt-rp1
- Protocol: Line Printer Daemon – LDP
- Queue: FollowmeBW-Mac OR FollowmeCOL-Mac
- Name: FollowmeBW-Mac OR FollowmeCOL-Mac
- Location: leave blank
- Use: Other > Select appropriate print driver, see details above
- Add additional printers: Repeat step 4 to add both queues.
Please note – your Mac profile name and Lincoln username must match. If this is not the case, please advise the service desk what your Mac profile name is by logging a job in the service portal.
Users without a valid email account
If you don’t have a valid email address linked to your UniFlow user account, you will get an email telling you that you’re unable to print, and the print job will be deleted.
Please note: You must send an email from your or address – all other email addresses will be ignored. This means when using your own device, the DEFAULT email address must be a Lincoln email address.
Printing FAQs
There are printers all over campus and you can release your print job on any of them. All printers are set up to print on A4 and A3 paper and in colour or black and white. There is information posted around each device explaining the benefits of SSR - swipe, select and release.
FollowMe printers are all around campus:
- In each computer lab
- In the Library
- On most floors of the Faculty Buildings.
Each FollowMe printer can:
- Print in colour or black and white
- Staple documents
- Increase or reduce the number of copies
- Change from double-sided to single-sided
- Delete print jobs
- Copy and scan (single- or double-sided)
- Print A3 or A4 size
Print Job Type | Cost per page (in New Zealand dollars and including GST) |
A4 Black and White | $0.05 |
A3 Black and White | $0.10 |
A4 Colour | $0.15 |
A3 Colour | $0.30 |
A0/A1/A2 printing
Large format printing can be done on the ground floor of the Landscape Architecture Building (the room next to D1): This printing does not use the FollowMe print queues. To use it you will need map the printer: \\v-prt-rp1\AAKD0134 (Lincoln PCs only).
The printing costs for this printer costs are as follows (per page):
- A0: $26.00
- A1: $13.00
- A2: $6.50
There is no cost to scan documents.
The above costs are the same if you print/copy duplex.
All users at Lincoln can now top up their personal print balances by going to or by scanning the QR code below:
You will need to be connected to Secure Campus or EduRoam Wi-Fi when on a personal device to access the top up website. Otherwise, you can use a Lincoln computer to top up.
- Log on with your Lincoln username (printed on your ID card) and Lincoln password
- To top up, click on the green Recharge Budget button on the bottom right
- Choose an amount between $1 and $150 and follow the prompts to top up with a credit or debit card.
Note: Available Payment options are Credit / Debit cards or Account2Account.
What’s good about FollowMe printing?
- Mobility and flexibility - you can print to ANY FollowMe printer across campus.
- Reduction in erroneous print jobs - which printer did I send that to?
- Print jobs being removed by others - ever lost a print job?
- Security of the output - your ID card is required to release your print job (remember your ID card).
- Cost and environmental benefits - seen the boxes of unclaimed print jobs?
- Duplex printing (they can print on both sides of the page) - this not only saves you money, but is also more environmentally friendly.
To recycle toner cartridges, you'll need to follow the process below to arrange the collection of full Toner Recycling Box.
- Empty Recycle Toner boxes can be collected from IT, once you have requested one from the IT Portal Here
- When you fill the collection box, ring TRC on 0800 180 160 and quote your account number (LIN050). They will then give you a job number, which needs to be clearly written on the full toner box. At the same time, ask for a replacement collection box so you can operate a one out, one in policy. If you are sending more than one box, each box should have a separate Job Number
- Take the full box to the Central Store as soon as possible for pick up by a courier. You may also log a request with Facilities Management to arrange for the porters to pick up the box and ask them to drop it off at the Central Store
- Empty Toner Cartridge Recycling boxes may be obtained from IT Service Desk in the Library, users need to log a request in IT Portal.
New Toners, waste cartridges and staples can be collected from IT, please log a request in the portal Here, include the printer serial number and collect from the IT Service Desk in the Library when notified it's ready for collection.
When ordering paper for your department printers, please ensure you order 80gsm paper not 68gsm paper.
Thinner paper will cause paper jams in the colder months of the year.
Departments will be charged full cost for all Canon callouts for paper jams where wrong/substandard paper is used.